Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

About Me
Hi! My name is Sara Kinney. I was born on October 5, 1987 so I will be twenty-five this year. I’ve lived in Mobile my whole life, and I love it! The farthest away I would want to move is across the bay in the Fairhope area. I’m very close with my family. I have two sisters, Nicole (older) and Emily (younger), who are more like my best friends than sisters. Nicole, is pregnant with my first niece, and we absolutely can't wait for baby Kinsley to get here! Nicole lives in Atlanta, so we don't get to see her as much as we would like, but we try to go up there as much as possible. My parents are my biggest support system, and I don’t know what I would do without them. My dad is from Indiana and my mom is from New Orleans so I guess I could be considered a yankee/cajun hybrid. I recently got engaged to my boyfriend of a year and a half, Davis. He is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I know that God made him for me. We’re getting married on January 5th, and I couldn’t be happier! Together, my fiancé and I have three dogs--yeah, I'm kind of obsessed with dogs! I had one before we met--Sampson, he had one before we met--Les, and three months ago we got our Golden Retriever, Nola. I work part-time at a boutique called, Purse Picasity. I enjoy it for the most part, but work is work.

I have a pretty busy life, and free time isn't something that I get everyday. My planner goes with me everywhere! Losing my planner would be worse than having my purse stolen. When I do have free time I just like to do anything that makes me happy. That mostly consists of doing anything outside. I love going on walks with my fiance, and our dogs! Running has always been a huge stress reliever, so I try to do that as often as I can. Shopping truly is retail therapy for me! During the summer, I volunteer at Camp Grace. Camp Grace is where camps such as Camp Rap-A-Hope and Camp Smile are held. I volunteer as a camp counselor every summer. It is truly such a special place, and I'm so blessed to be a part of it.

About a month ago, I changed my major to Elementary Education from Nursing. My heart just wasn't into nursing the way my classmates were. I took this past summer off so I could really concentrate on what I wanted to do. I prayed about it every night, and finally came to the conclusion that teaching is what I have a passion for. I love children, and how energetic they are. It's very exciting to know that I will be helping shape their futures. Unfortunately, during that process I lost forty-one hours! I believe that everything in life happenes for a reason so I’m not going to dwell on the loss. I’m just going to look forward to my future. I’m pretty good at time management, but this semester is definitely going to test me. I’m working 30 hours a week, going to school full time, raising a puppy, and planning a wedding! So, let the craziness begin!

Randy Paush on Time Management
Randy Pausch’s video on time management is so beneficial! I didn’t know who he was before the video, but after watching it I’m intrigued to learn more about him. He made so many points that will really help me out. When Paush said, “It’s much more important to do the right things adequately than do the wrong things beautifully,” I could instantly relate. I always put so many things on my plate, and just get them done instead of spreading them out, and doing them the way they should be done. Paush went on to talk about the importance of doing a to-do list the right way. I learned some valuable information of how to set mine up. I generally wait to do my more time consuming things towards the end of the day, and I don’t always get them done. I’m really going to try to do my to-do lists the way he suggests, and pray for a better outcome! Randy Pausch’s video was very short, but very informative. I’m very excited to watch more videos on his lectures!

Time Management
I skimmed through Penn State University's pages on time management. Fortunately, most of the tips they suggest are things I already do. I believe time management is the key to success. When my time is managed poorly, everything around me crumbles. My planner is organized to a T! Life is just simpler when I'm organized. My planner is color coded with highlighter yellow, blue, and pink! Yellow is homework, blue is exams, and pink is work. Having a page on time management is a very useful tool for students, and my thanks goes out to Penn State for having it!

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I really enjoyed reading your post and learning more about you. Your post was well-written, and you used a proper use of grammar throughout. Congratulations on your engagement, and I hope you have a blast planning the wedding, how exciting! I think it is awesome you are following your calling to become a teacher, and you seem to have the perfect personality to work with children. I can definitely relate to your organizational skills because my planner never leaves my side and is color-coordinated as well. I agree that Randy Pausch had very good points about time management, but I did not see that you had any extra information about Mr. Pausch as a person. I only caught one spelling mistake in your post, and that was Mr. Pausch's name spelled wrong in your bold title. His name is tricky to spell, so that's an easy fix. Overall, great job!
